Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Daily Steeze #2


Today, prominent Baseball Hall of Fame voters did not vote anyone into the Baseball Hall of Fame.  The process requires that a nominee receive a 75% majority to be voted in.  Most nominees failed to even get 50% of the vote.  Some of the best players of all-time, Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, and Roger Clemens, failed to make it in.  Most people thought that Bonds and Clemens would be voted in because most people believe that they were Hall Of Fame players before they began to use steroids.

The Baseball Hall of Fame voters took a stand today.  Essentially, they are saying that they will not be voting in any baseball players whom they suspect have taken steroids.  This thinking is flawed and if it is adhered to, just about an entire generation of baseball players will be left out of the Hall Of Fame.  The previous generation of baseball players are collectively referred to as the Steroid Era.

I do not even like baseball, and I hardly watch it at all until October, but I think that these players should be voted in.  Why?  Because it was the Steroid Era.  It is a part of baseball history.  If they want to place an asterisk next to all of their names and section them off into a special "steroid era" room within the museum, then that is fine.  The point is, they belong in the Hall Of Fame. 

You'd better if you want to compete
If you're a young baseball pitcher coming into the Major Leagues as a rookie and during the Steroid Era and you are NOT using steroids, then you are at a major disadvantage.  The basis of my argument can be summed up with one question; if nearly everyone else is cheating, is it really cheating?  Vote them all in.