Friday, January 11, 2013

I See No Difference

What's the difference between Chicago's Derrick Rose and OKC's Russell Westbrook?  I see no difference.  They are the exact same player.  Super-athletic undersized shooting guards who are playing the point guard position.  Both have no business playing point guard.  Both launch too many shots at the expense of their teammates.  Many of these forced shots are 3pt attempts.  They are both horrible 3pt shooters.  I see no difference in their games.  If you placed Westbrook in Chicago and Rose in OKC, there would be no change in their respective teams seasons.  It would be a paradox.  Nothing would change even though you did change something.  The only reason Rose "deserved" his MVP award over Westbrook was because Westbrook had Kevin Durant on his team.
             Stats Comparison:
         Rose         Westbrook
ppg     21                      19
fg%     46                     .42
3pt%  .31                     .30
           I See No Difference